Print Management

Designed to help reduce excessive printing and eliminate waste, the PaperCut print management system provides students with a way to print documents on campus. 

How does print management work?

Students will be given a credit of $15 each semester for printing in the library and computer labs on campus.

  • Your free quota will provide about 200 double-sided black & white prints, or 150 single-sided black and white prints.
  • Printouts will be deducted from your personal printing credit: 10 cents for black and white and 25 cents for color.
  • Double-sided black & white printing will reduce your cost to only 7.5 cents per page.
  • You decide what works best for you!

If you use your semester quota, you may purchase additional printing capacity by visiting one of the kiosks located in the Library Information Commons or G145.

The Semester quota assigned for the summer is based on the entire summer semester and not the individual parts of term (Summer 1, Summer 2, etc.).​​​​​​​

Print Article


Article ID: 119880
Fri 11/6/20 2:22 PM
Fri 11/6/20 2:34 PM