How to Improve Audio Performance on Your Dell 24” or 27” Monitor

How to Improve Audio Performance on Your Dell 24” or 27” Monitor

If you're experiencing poor audio from your Dell 24” or 27” monitor with built-in speakers or a sound bar, follow these steps:

Step 1: Access Volume Settings

  1. Click the Speaker icon next to the clock in the lower right corner of your screen to open the volume control panel.

Step 2: Select the Correct Audio Output Device

  1. In the volume control panel, click the current audio output device name above the volume bar.
  2. Then choose “Echo Canceling Speakerphone (******)” from the dropdown list.
    • Note: The value in parentheses depends on your monitor model.

Step 3: Adjust the Volume

  • Control the volume using:
    • The volume slider in the control panel.
    • Your keyboard's volume buttons.
    • The volume buttons on the monitor.

By following these steps, you should notice improved sound quality. If issues persist, ensure your audio drivers are updated or contact MyIT Support & Services for assistance.

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